route description to the meeting
Location of meeting is field C2 close to Motorsportmuseum. The Motorsportmuseum is located between south tribune and the Autobahn A 6.
A detailed map can be found on the homepage of the Hockenheimring.
Direction to the HockenheimringAddress
Am Hockenheimring
68754 Hockenheim
North 49° 19 Min. 29 Sec.
East 08° 34 Min. 04 Sec.

Friday: Gates open at: 10.00 a.m.
(open till approx.1.00a.m.)
Saturday: Gates open at 09.00 a.m.
Drive on the Hockenheimring (approx. 6.p.m.)
per vehicle: 35,00 €
per trailer: 10,00 € to 20,00 €
each person in vehicle:10,00 €
daily visitors 15,00 €
Frequently Asked Questions
To drive on the Hockenheimring
The drive on the race track is subject to conditions. Every driver and every co-driver have to sign the terms and conditions before starting on the race-track. Without the signed declaration, there will be no access to the track.
Food and drinks are provided by a caterer on-site (nearly 24h a day). Fresh rolls, breakfast, coffee and cake are available, as well as french-fries, delicious meats from the BBQ, plus local specialties including a huge variety of cooled drinks.
There is no pre-paid booking necessary but we would like to ask you to follow these steps: Fill out the application form at home, print it and hand it to our friendly staff at the welcome desk
Look back
1994 - 2012
A great idea came true and was constantly improved over the years: The VW-Bus-Tuning-Treffen at the Hockenheimring – the legendary motorsport arena in the history of sport.
For a long time the lawyer Peter Hille (†2012) dreamed about organising a VW-Bus-Meeting at the Hockenheimring realizing it for the first time in 1994. The internet was just in the beginning stage, thus, he printed out flyers and spread them at other VW-Bus-Meetings. Instantly the gathering was a success. The area “Conti-Kreisel” was well visited. Even at that time, first busses from Switzerland and the Netherlands took part. Right from the beginning it was an international show.
Since 1994 it is an annual meeting. Everytime showing many interesting new busses and brandnew technical solutions. The event is growing from year to year. Always the highlight in every year: The drive on the racetrack. Busses, busses and only busses – a great experience for driver, co-driver and spectators on the south tribune.
In 2002, the racetrack was rebuilt, thus, the meeting had to move from the “Conti-Kreisel” to the field C2 (one year even on to C3). The internationalisation of the meeting is visible by number plates off all different countries. The enthusiasts are coming from all over the world: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Switzerland, and even the United States.
Since many years, Dirk Klöß and a crew of friends of the meeting have supported the organization. Two weeks before the 2012 meeting, Peter Hille died unexpectedly. Until that day, he organised wholeheartedly the meeting along with his crew. As it aleays was Peters biggest wish to get the most powerful and fastest busses on to the Hockenheimring, it was almost an obligation for his longtime friends to continue his work. Over all the years, in a still even faster moving society, he understood to stay in contact with the VW-Bus enthusiasts and motivating them to come to this unique gathering.
So 2012 was a very special moment in the history of the VW-Bus-Tuning-Treffen. In memory of Peter – the father and organiser of the meeting – all busses drove a lap of honour after a minute of silence. In face of that sad background, the response of all participants was more than positve. The meeting will continue.

Contact Address
Dirk Klöß
Lindenstrasse 49
D-35398 Giessen
Benjamin Rupp
Any questions yet?
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